
Add library kontakt 6 player
Add library kontakt 6 player

The Library must be Switched from Demo to Full Version In our example, Action Strikes is unselected and will not show up in KONTAKT's Library Browser.

  • In the list, make sure that all Libraries that you wish to appear in the Library Browser are visible by clicking the square next to the Library name.
  • Open the KONTAKT Preferences (Mac) / Options (Windows) and switch to the Libraries tab.
  • Note: The option to display / hide Libraries is available in KONTAKT 5.6.8 (or higher). The Library must be Set to Display in the Browser If the previous descriptions do not apply to your case, continue with the below troubleshooting.
  • If you need to install and set up a KONTAKT Library for the first time, read this article.
  • If your have moved or cannot find the folder containing the Library you already installed, read this article.
  • The buttons in the Articulation Options will rescale correctly now when the SINEplayer window is made smaller.Please follow the below steps if your KONTAKT Library is not displayed in KONTAKT's Library Browser. Some button fonts have been enlarged to fit with the recent UI changes. The speed zone and velocity zone labels were sometimes not drawn correctly in the Legato tab of the Articulation Options. It will now disappear correctly when not needed.

    add library kontakt 6 player

    The Alternative Release keyswitch was not always visually removed from the keyboard. macOS: Cmd-Clicking in the Articulation Map is correctly registered as a right click now. macOS: Cmd-Clicking Mixer or Articulation Options sliders will reset them. Furthermore, the text "Single Layer" will be shown to make it clear that there is a single layer. The Dynamics tab in the Articulation Options will once more show the dynamics of articulations with only a single velocity layer. Mixer and Articulation Options sliders will now reset to their default value when double clicking, or Ctrl/Cmd-Clicking.

    add library kontakt 6 player

    Loading a SINEplayer instance with no enabled mic positions will no longer enable the first position. You can edit the value by double-clicking in the value box or moving the slider. Sliders in the Articulation Options have a new design that shows their exact value.

    add library kontakt 6 player

    All other formats (standalone, VST3, AU) were already natively supported previously. The AAX version of SINEplayer is now natively supported on Apple's ARM-based machines.

    Add library kontakt 6 player