The Library must be Switched from Demo to Full Version In our example, Action Strikes is unselected and will not show up in KONTAKT's Library Browser.

The Alternative Release keyswitch was not always visually removed from the keyboard. macOS: Cmd-Clicking in the Articulation Map is correctly registered as a right click now. macOS: Cmd-Clicking Mixer or Articulation Options sliders will reset them. Furthermore, the text "Single Layer" will be shown to make it clear that there is a single layer. The Dynamics tab in the Articulation Options will once more show the dynamics of articulations with only a single velocity layer. Mixer and Articulation Options sliders will now reset to their default value when double clicking, or Ctrl/Cmd-Clicking.

Loading a SINEplayer instance with no enabled mic positions will no longer enable the first position. You can edit the value by double-clicking in the value box or moving the slider. Sliders in the Articulation Options have a new design that shows their exact value.

All other formats (standalone, VST3, AU) were already natively supported previously. The AAX version of SINEplayer is now natively supported on Apple's ARM-based machines.